Well most of you whom join will wonder when the RP will begin correct?
I will say once we get 10 profiles submitted and accepted as well as dedicated members (none who just sign up, just to get it started - i can and will check IP addresses) we can at least begin the RP.
I would say it could go about 10 just for beginning but know this guys, by myself i can not get the members. With help, with those who care, those who will spread the link around, ask people to join, get our name to some more people. The site can grow and go on. If we do what we can i know we can succeed, even if it does take a little time.
i have 3 other RP's i am thinking of and when i finish they will be in the "Affiliation" section. Know, i do know there are chances that they may not be known or will take awhile to get members but it is not the reason i make them. The reason i make them is because it is fun, it allows me to throw creations and to show them to others. I also love to think i at least have a chance to show and let others experience my ideas with me. I am very dedicated to these sites even though some may not become big.
So to those who actually do stay and try to help. Thank you.